- Acessórios de Fibra
- Adaptador-conectores-couplers
- Alicate - Tesoura
- Atenuador
- bandeja para fibra ótica
- Cabinet rack network
- Cabos de Fibra
- Caixa de Atendimento
- Caixa de Emenda
- Caixa de Terminaçâo
- Clean - Limpeza
- Cleaver - Clivador
- Cortador De Fibra
- Dio - Distribuidor interno Otico
- Ferramentas - Tools
- Fibra Switch
- Fonte
- Fonte para Olt
- Fusion - Máquina De Fusão
- HDMI Extender
- Media Converter - Conversor De Midia
- Microscopio Inspector
- Modulo Sfp/xfp
- Olt e Placas Fiberhome
- Onu Epon
- Onu-Gepon-Gpon
- Organizador de cabos
- OTDR - Power Meter - Medidores
- Patch Cord - Cordão Óptico
- Splitter
- Gabinete
- Cadeira Gamer
- Hard Disk
- Hd Externo
- Hd Para Notebook
- Headphone
- Impressora 3D
- Impressora Etiquetadora
- Impressoras Jato De Tinta
- Impressoras Laser
- Leitor Biometrico
- Memoria
- Cpu
- Monitor
- Mouse
- Notebook
- Ups- Nobreak
- Pen Drive
- Power Bank - Carregador Simultaneo
- Leitor Biometrico
- Teclado
- Ventiladores
- Vga
- Zebra
- Triturador De Papel
- Acessorios
- Air Live
- Aparelho De Surdez
- Apricorn
- Ar Condicionado
- Atenuador
- Automacao Resid/comercial
- Cabo
- Cadeira Gamer
- Caixa Optica-gabinete- Odf
- Cambium Networks
- Cameras
- Combo Wifi
- Contador De Cedulas
- Cpu
- Dermaroller
- Energia Solar E Eolica
- Estabilizadores / Nobreak
- Carregamento Solar
- Ezviz
- Fanvil
- Fechadura Digital
- Ferramentas- Maquinas Para Construção
- Fibra Optica / Fibra Otica
- Fontes
- Gabinete
- Grandstream
- Hard Disk Ide - Sata
- Hard Diskk
- Hd Externo
- Hd Para Notebook
- Hd Sas
- Hd Ssd
- Headphone
- Hikvision
- Huawei
- Hub/switch
- Impressora 3d
- Impressora Etiquetadora
- Impressoras Jato De Tinta
- Impressoras Laser
- Incendio
- Iptv
- Joystick
- Kaiser Baas
- Kit- Gabinete
- Leitor Biometrico
- Mb
- Memoria
- Mercusys
- Mimosa Networks
- Modulo Mux Demux
- Monitor
- Mouse
- Mux-demux
- Notebook
- Pen Drive
- Poe
- Poe - Injectores
- Porta Retrato Digital
- Power Bank - Carregador Simultaneo
- Produtos De Estetica
- Radio Digital
- Receptor Via Satelite
- Router Wi
- Scanner
- Secadores De Mão
- Servidor
- Teclado
- Tp-link
- Triturador De Papel
- Ups- Nobreak
- Ventiladores
- Vga
- Voip/goip/gateway
- Zebra

Verifique a disponibilidade com seu vendedor

Código: 27647
The Next-Generation Broadband Wireless Access
Like its predecessor, the 5054-R continues to offer a
comprehensive feature set to future-proof wireless
• With a Peltier heating and cooling technology
inside a ruggedized enclosure, the 5054-R can be
deployed in extreme weather conditions
• Support for three 5 GHz bands - 5.25, 5.47 and
5.725 GHz, 20 total non-overlapping channels and
performance that scales from 6 to 36 Mbps, all
selectable via simple user interfaces
• Advanced revenue-enhancing features are standard
- including flexible bandwidth provisioning for DSL,
T1 or Ethernet-like tiered services as well as NAT
and DHCP for IP-based storage and e-mail hosting
Paving the Path to WiMAX Today
Drawing on Proxim’s leadership in the WiMAX arena,
the 5054-R has been developed as a platform to
enable WiMAX applications. By deploying the 5054-R
today, businesses are assured of a smooth transition
to the WiMAX family of products.
• Equipped with software features to address the
WiMAX markets such as: mobile hot-spot, MAN,
cost-effective last mile access, security and
• Migration plan to support future WiMAX
customers allowing business growth and network
• Investment protection through common concept of
network design and software feature sets, which
includes mobile roaming, rich management
capabilities, most advanced encryption with AES
and authentication via RADIUS, antenna alignment
utility, and revenue-enhancing services with
bandwidth control, NAT/ DHCP
Mobile Roaming Enables New Applications
Proxim innovation delivers another wireless industry
first - mobile roaming of Subscriber Units (SU)
between Base Station Units (BSU). Public safety first
responder networks, transportation system
monitoring and telemetry and mobile security and
surveillance are now all possible with a low cost,
robust system.
• Fast handoff at speeds up to 200 km per hour
(120 miles per hour)
• Customizable roaming parameter maintains
minimum bandwidth required for application
Adaptive Wireless Network Optimizes
Using advanced OFDM technology and Wireless
Outdoor Routing Protocol (WORP), 5054-R networks
dynamically adapt to the ever-changing network load
for optimum performance.
• WORP adapts to avoid collisions and maximizes
data content with each transmission
• Dynamic Data Rate Selection automatically
compensates for temporary link degradation
maintaining robust connectivity and mitigating
service calls
Like its predecessor, the 5054-R continues to offer a
comprehensive feature set to future-proof wireless
• With a Peltier heating and cooling technology
inside a ruggedized enclosure, the 5054-R can be
deployed in extreme weather conditions
• Support for three 5 GHz bands - 5.25, 5.47 and
5.725 GHz, 20 total non-overlapping channels and
performance that scales from 6 to 36 Mbps, all
selectable via simple user interfaces
• Advanced revenue-enhancing features are standard
- including flexible bandwidth provisioning for DSL,
T1 or Ethernet-like tiered services as well as NAT
and DHCP for IP-based storage and e-mail hosting
Paving the Path to WiMAX Today
Drawing on Proxim’s leadership in the WiMAX arena,
the 5054-R has been developed as a platform to
enable WiMAX applications. By deploying the 5054-R
today, businesses are assured of a smooth transition
to the WiMAX family of products.
• Equipped with software features to address the
WiMAX markets such as: mobile hot-spot, MAN,
cost-effective last mile access, security and
• Migration plan to support future WiMAX
customers allowing business growth and network
• Investment protection through common concept of
network design and software feature sets, which
includes mobile roaming, rich management
capabilities, most advanced encryption with AES
and authentication via RADIUS, antenna alignment
utility, and revenue-enhancing services with
bandwidth control, NAT/ DHCP
Mobile Roaming Enables New Applications
Proxim innovation delivers another wireless industry
first - mobile roaming of Subscriber Units (SU)
between Base Station Units (BSU). Public safety first
responder networks, transportation system
monitoring and telemetry and mobile security and
surveillance are now all possible with a low cost,
robust system.
• Fast handoff at speeds up to 200 km per hour
(120 miles per hour)
• Customizable roaming parameter maintains
minimum bandwidth required for application
Adaptive Wireless Network Optimizes
Using advanced OFDM technology and Wireless
Outdoor Routing Protocol (WORP), 5054-R networks
dynamically adapt to the ever-changing network load
for optimum performance.
• WORP adapts to avoid collisions and maximizes
data content with each transmission
• Dynamic Data Rate Selection automatically
compensates for temporary link degradation
maintaining robust connectivity and mitigating
service calls
Todos os produtos que comercializamos estão disponíveis na
lista de preços. não garantimos estoque. Recomendamos averiguar com nossos vendedores.
Ir para o atendimento
- MARSRIVA: uma empresa de engenharia que segue os padrões internacionais de qualidade da ISO 9001
- Terminal de Reconhecimento Facial DS-K1T671 Hikvision na Globo
- Nova cota de U$ 1000: veja o que da pra trazer do exterior para o Brasil
- [Vídeo] Montagem de rack - Iuron
- Atualização de SEGURANÇA das câmeras Hikvision
- Vulnerabilidade CGI em roteadores TP-Link. O que fazer?
- ALERTA DE GOLPE: Pessoa de passando por funcionário Flytec no WhatsApp
- [ATUALIZAÇÃO] Como fazer IMPORTAÇÃO de produtos
- ALERTA DE GOLPE: Uso indevido da marca Flytec por Flythec e Flythec Eletronicos
- Torne-se um especialista em UniFi em 15 minutos
- Guia Passo a Passo para Redes WiFi para Eventos
- [Vídeo] Qual o AP UniFi Ideal em Cada Tipo de Aplicação?
- Como fazer IMPORTAÇÃO de produtos
- Guia de Rádios Ubiquiti
- Orçamentos para Projetos de Painel Solar
- [Vídeo] Lucre com WiFi Premium usando UniFi como serviço
- [Vídeo] Entregando MUITA banda com rádios AirMAX AC
- Atualização dos firmwares USG-Pro-4 e ER-8
- Energia solar: Qual a diferença entre sistemas On-grid e Off-grid?
- Conheça o controlador UNMS da Ubiquiti
- ALERTA: Não vendemos no SUBMARINO, AMERICANAS ou em qualquer site do Brasil
- Software MIMOSA 2.3.3 já disponível
- Ver todas as notícias